Title: Aymara Bolivian Chullo or Gorra
Catalog No: ULV-JAEGR-2014-5770
Type: Textile; Hat; Cap; Chuku; Knit; Fiber Arts.
Material: Alpaca wool.
Description: Black and white. Angora and wool. Tapers to a blunt-cut tassel at top. Has ear
flaps with single tassel attached to each side. Llama and bold geometric-stripes are on cap, a
donkey adorns each ear flap.
Date: pre-1935
Dimensions: 8.5” W x 17” L; 19” circumference.
Artist: Unknown
Donor: Esther Funk Ethnographic Collection
Provenance: Purchased by Esther Funk c. 1933
Note: Attached note, “Gorra or Cap - Bolivian Aymara Indian. La Paz area.”