Title: Guatemalan Huipil
Catalog No: ULV-JAEGR-2014-5749
Type: Textile; poncho. Fiber Arts.
Material: Cotton, linen, silk, yarn.
Description: Six panels of tan cotton blocks of woven material are stitched together with dark brown thread (three panels per side). Extensive embroidering, mainly in red thread. Other colors: Blue, purple, pink, yellow. Front chest, shoulders and back-to the middle is embroidered. Neck has “sun ray” effect; Embroidery depicts the double-headed eagle. Purple tie at neck (one side is not attached). Black linen material used for sun rays. There is a round circle symbolizing the moon on each shoulder, also black linen. The rays and round disks are bordered with orange and purple embroidering. Slight staining on the cream-colored material.
Date: pre-1935
Dimensions: 34.25″ W x 30.25″ L
Artist: Unknown
Donor: Esther Funk Ethnographic Collection
Note: From Chichicastenango, Guatemalan. Native weave. Purchased by the donor Esther Funk.