Title: Peruvian Poncho
Catalog No: ULV-JAEGR-2014-5757
Type: Textile; poncho. Fiber Arts.
Material: Animal hair and wool.
Description: Two large panels of red, pink, green, orange, brown and yellow woven stripes. The stripes run horizontally. Embroidery of dark green/orange, green/pink, yellow/dark brown thread sewn over the stripes. The embroidery is geometric patterns (chevron/arrows, zig-zag). The edges are fringed (a slight gap in fringe in some areas). The two panels are sewn together along the neckline, not the chest plate. A circular opening is stitched with embroidered roping.
Date: pre-1935
Dimensions: 53.5″ W x 47.5″ L [fabric only] Tassel: 2.5″ L
Artist: Unknown
Donor: Esther Funk Ethnographic Collection
Note: From Paucartambo, Peru. Native weave. Purchased by the donor Esther Funk.
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