Title: Aymara Bolivian Chuspa
Catalog No: ULV-JAEGR-2014-5751
Type: Textile; Purse; Bag; Woven; Fiber Arts.
Material: Animal hair and wool.
Description: Dark brown and cream with Blue, pink, red and white short ball-like tassels.
Geometric patterns. A thread is used as a strap. There are three pouch-like flaps woven into the
purse; access from inside. The rim is cream. The purse tapers to a point.
Date: pre-1935
Dimensions: Body of bag: 6″ W x 11″ L x 6″ circumference. Pockets 3.25″ W x 3.25″ L; 2.5″ W x 3.25″ L; 2.5″ W x 3.25″. Attached string is approximately 26.5″ length.
Artist: Unknown
Donor: Esther Funk Ethnographic Collection
Provenance: Purchased by Esther Funk c. 1933
Note: Handwritten note #1: “Bosa [sic] - Purse to carry coins and coca leaves. From Aymara Indians near La Paz, Bolivia. E. Funk” Handwritten note #2: “Bolsa, used a purse by Aymara Indians in Bolivia Andes. Holds coca leaves and coins. The coca leaves mixed with a little lime are chewed. Cocaine is derived from the coca leaves.”
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