Peruvian Chuspa

Title: Peruvian Chuspa
Catalog No: ULV-JAEGR-2014-5772
Type: Textile; purse, bag. Fiber Arts.
Material: Animal hair and wool.
Description: Small purse, long narrow strap and straggled tassels at the bottom. The base color is red. Geometric diamond-pattern and stripes. Other colors: Green, pink, purple. The sides and rim are stitched with a tight and intricately embroidered roping in a “diamond” pattern. The strap is also a very tight and intricately woven “chevron” pattern. Attached note, “Lauramarca chchuspa [sic] pocket book. 2.50 S” Card inside, “Coca leaf bag, Quecha Indian, Peruvian Andes. Note the exquisitely woven handle.”

Date: pre-1935

Dimensions: Body of bag: 3 10/16 in. W x 3.75 in. L; Strap .25 in. W x 24.5 in. L

Bag with strap and tassle 3.10/16 in. W x 28.5 in. L

Artist: Unknown

Donor: Esther Funk Ethnographic Collection

Note: Purchased in Lauramarca, Cusco, Peru by the donor Esther Funk.