Title: Peruvian Textiles in the Cusco Region; a study of Peruvian textiles in the region of Cuzco
Catalog No: ULV-JAEGR-2014-7013
Type: Manuscript; Unpublished.;Typed; Hard Cover.
Material: Pressed board, onionskin, paper. Photographs: silver gelatin and hand tinted.
Description: The book is the outgrowth of a summer’s study in Peru and Bolivia, June 1935. Ms. Funk, along with other students, traveled to South America under the guidance of Dr. Edgar Lee Hewitt, then the Director of the American School of Research at Santa Fe, New Mexico. The book is bound with Peruvian cloth and stitched with a piece of wool/hair thread. Numerous original black-and-white photographs are included, six of which were taken by Peruvian photographer Martín Chambi Jiménez.
Date: December 1935
Dimensions: 9.50 in. x 12.25 in.
Author: Esther Funk
Donor: Esther Funk Ethnographic Collection
Note: The book is handbound by the author as are the hand-tinted photographs painted by Esther Funk.